
The library consists of circa 21,000 volumes. The library specializes in classical studies, in particular in Roman topography. To support researchers, the library acquires key reference works in the fields of classical philology, ancient history, classical archaeology, and art history. The collection also includes as many works as possible published by Finnish researchers in the humanities. Of the 200 or so journals, a large number are obtained in exchange for the Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae series.

A small section in the parlatorio contains books on Finland, mainly about art and architecture. The books of Wolfgang and Nadine Helbig, former residents of Villa Lante, form an interesting part of the library’s historical collection.

The digital collections – in phase of preparation – consist of the photographs, drawings and manuscripts of the Helbig-family (http://irf.digitalcollections.it) and of a database of brick stamps from central Italy, a speciality of Finnish research since the 1960s (http://www.bollidoliari.org/)

Librarian: Simo Örmä

Villa Lante al Gianicolo
Passeggiata del Gianicolo 10 – 00165 Rome

P. (+39) 06-6861995
M. orma@irfrome.org
W. irfrome.org/it

Access: by appointment only.

Hours: 9:00 – 16:00

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